Every day, veterans return home from serving our country. Many suffer from catastrophic injuries that severely impact their ability to do simple activities like walking and running.
Run Freely was founded with the mission to provide financial support for veterans with limb salvage conditions and in need of a solution to avoid amputation.
the joe montana experience
thursday, february 8, 2024
las vegas, nevada
APRIL 30, 2023
(We raised funds for two veterans to receive a device)
the ultimate dale jr. experience
here is dale earnhardt jr. with our prize winners of the charlotte racing experience.
they got a private tour of dirty mo’ acres and jr motorsports and helped a couple of more vets get running pain-free.
On AUGust 11, 2018 we began our mission to get veterans walking again.
Thank you Sammamish High School & Thank you Steve Largent, Jerry Rice, Gary Payton and Jamal Crawford.
this is just the beginning. JOIN US AS WE CONTINUE OUR EFFORTS.
kenny's story
Kenny Mayne is not a veteran. He is just a sports journalist. But like many wounded veterans, he spent years unable to walk or run pain - free.
the magic device
The ExoSym device has helped patients with limb salvage conditions around the world. Candidates for this device complete an extensive care program that takes place in a specially designed facility located in Gig Harbor, WA.
““After twenty years, I can run pain free, and intend to help veterans do the same. It was designed for them in the first place.””